About NuEats

NuEats promotes the consumption of organic / natural foods and beverages.

Our mission is promote the increase and infusion of well-being by enhancing quality of life with one healthy product at a time.

 Company Overview

NuEats, LLC is a NJ based company established in 2018 focusing on a variety of line products with over 30 skus of coffee, coconut oil, honey, chocolate, jerky, yaki nori, mushroom snacks, maple syrup and groceries (organic, gluten free, all natural, vegan, paleo, non GMO, and keto) at competitive prices. Our R&D team’s utmost goal is to develop more variety of premium line products in multiple categories at fair prices.

Our coffee manufacturer is located in NYC and has over 80 years of experience with over 20 million pounds per year or equivalent of 26.6 million bags of 12oz roasting capacity

 Brand Overview


  • Treat you and our customers with respect and individual attention. 


  • Promote the increase and infusion of well-being by enhancing quality of life.


  • Honesty and trust throughout all aspects. 

                NuEats promotes the consumption of organic / natural foods and beverages. We hope our products satisfy your daily nutritional needs and we assure you that our products will satisfy you with one healthy product at a time.  NuEats makes an effort to promote the consumption of Organic & Natural Food and Beverages. We hope NuEats products fulfill your daily nutritional needs and we can assure you that our coffee will bring you satisfaction.